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Seniors can get a ride any day of the week through Fresno EOC Transit Systems. It offers a Senior Taxi Scrip program which Transit Systems Supervisor Chai Fong says can take them anywhere within Fresno city limits. “The scrip program is designed to pick up and transport seniors, ages 70 and older. We can take them to many places, including shopping, medical appointments, beauty parlor, or even to go visit family.” Senior scrip can be used as needed, between 7 AM and 7 PM, seven days a week.Fresno EOC Transit Systems and Taxi ScripThe scrip service is intended to open doors to independence for seniors who no longer drive or require assistance with their travel needs. Seniors simply fill out an application to receive their scrip. Transit Systems Supervisor Tom Blackmore says, “Qualifying seniors pay 25-cents on the dollar for their scrip. So, if they go on a 10-mile ride, they’re only paying $2.50 out of a $10 fare.” The service is offered in partnership with the Fresno Council of Governments (COG) and funded by Measure C. Other partners include Uber, Lyft, and participating taxi companies with varying hours of service.

All Fresno EOC vehicles are clean, wheelchair accessible, and operated by trained drivers. Transit Operations Manager Thomas Dulin says, “We’ll help seniors with any transportation needs they previously managed with their own car. They can think of us as their chauffeur.”

About Fresno EOC Transit Systems

Transit Systems is a 24-hour operation managing the transportation needs of clients across the Central Valley. During the pandemic, the program continues to operate a fleet of more than 30 school buses, paratransit vehicles, vans, and cars.

Transit Systems responds to more than 5,000 calls each month and provides services including driving children to school, bus service in Madera County, transporting those with special needs, and is now in the business of wrapping buses with custom ads. To find out how your business can advertise on Fresno EOC transit vehicles, call 559-486-6587.

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