Breastfeeding doesn’t have to be hard. Plan your wardrobe ahead of time and be ready at any time for your little ones needs. Consider these 6 easy tips when deciding to breastfeed your baby:
A breastfeeding cover can help you nurse and be comfortable at the same time if you’re a little more reserved with your body.
You can find lots of clothes specifically designed for breastfeeding.
Layering V necked shirts over a cami is a perfect way to either feed your baby from the top or the bottom of your shirt.
Nursing bras can be helpful; they give you easy access to the breast, without having to move your bra around.
Button up and zippered tops are both a comfortable and excellent way to have easy access to your breast.
Nursing your baby from a sling can be very easy and discreet. The sling holds your baby close to your body and he can easily be brought to the breast to feed.
If you have any questions feel free to contact our Fresno EOC WIC breastfeeding helpline at 559.263.1380.