Fresno EOC Food Services will expand its reach, providing lunch for children at various locations during the winter break from school. They already cater to 15 sites in Fresno, and starting December 20, they will deliver to 10 additional locations.
When regular school is not in session, some children may not have access to nutritious meals. “It’s unacceptable that any children in our community are going hungry,” said Jon Escobar, Fresno EOC Food Services Director. “We live in the agricultural capital of the world, and we want to make sure kids continue to get fed during the winter when schools are closed.”
According to the latest data from Feeding America, more than 61,000 children in Fresno County were food insecure in 2019. Fresno EOC aims to change that. Food Services prepares and provides healthy and delicious meals in appropriate portion sizes. These lunches must meet strict nutrition guidelines issued by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the California Department of Education (CDE).
Meals will be available from December 20 through January 7 when children are out of school to all kids 1-18 years of age regardless of their immigration status or their family income. It’s important to note, face masks are required upon entrance to the bus.
You can view all of the sites and bus delivery schedules on the Fresno EOC Food Services website.
Fresno EOC Food Services
Our program provides healthy and nutritious meals to preschool and school-age children, youth and young adults, seniors, and organizations requiring catering services. We have an excellent team which includes a registered dietician and a chef.
Fresno EOC Food Services established operations in 1965. At its inception, Food Services served lunches to Head Start children and later added the National Meals on Wheels Program in 1972. In the beginning, meals were prepared in satellite kitchens within the City of Fresno, but by October of 1985, the vision of constructing a central kitchen was realized and the state-of-art Food Preparation Center (FPC) was opened. Food Services served 2,000 meals a day when the FPC opened and has grown to more than 7,000 meals daily.