Bone-chilling weather lurks around the corner, which makes this a great time to raise awareness about our energy use. October is Energy Awareness Month, designated by the U.S. Department of Energy to spread the word about using energy wisely, both for the environment and for our budgets. With this in mind, Fresno EOC Energy Services wants to help you manage the energy efficiency in your home, saving you money.
Fresno EOC Energy Services provides free home improvements, such as insulation and weather stripping, which increase a home’s energy efficiency and help guard against extreme weather. We can help income-eligible residents of Fresno County with qualified mobile homes, apartments, houses, and condos.
Joseph Amader, Director of Fresno EOC Energy Services, says, “We offer a number of services, including diagnostics to check for shell and duct leakage, which provides us with the information needed to seal the home. As a result, the heat you’re producing stays in the house, or the air conditioning you’re paying for stays in the house and it keeps the heat outside from coming in.”
Energy Services has numerous tips you can use in your home to save energy. For example, one is setting your thermostat to 68 or lower in the winter and to 78 or higher in the summer. Another tip is unplugging unused appliances. Plus, you should set your water heater to the “vacation setting” when you’re away. So, while you’re gone, you’re not heating the water up to 140 degrees which is needed when you are home, and you’re using it for showers.
Energy Services wants to share more tips, tools, and motivation with you at a community event on Thursday, October 27. The program will host Weatherization Day from 12PM-4PM in the Fresno EOC Executive Plaza in downtown Fresno. Energy Services Project Analyst Hailey Brown says, “We will have booths in the courtyard where we will be able to see clients, process applications, and answer any questions our community members may have. And if you need help paying your energy bill, you can sign up for LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program). You can also find out about LIHWAP (Low Income Household Water Assistance Program) and our free home solar program.”
For more information on weatherization services through Fresno EOC Energy Services, call (559) 263-1588 or visit our web page.