Contact us

Contact HEARTT directly or have your school nurse, counselor, or social worker help schedule an appointment at (559) 265-5500.

Your rights to healthcare

Minors Rights to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Access in California


What we do

HEARTT is a free transportation service for youth, ages 12-19, who are in school or local youth programs and would like to receive confidential services that include family planning and reproductive health care from the Fresno EOC Community Health Center.

All services for youth are confidential and can be covered under Family PACT, if eligible. Youth can contact HEARTT directly or have their school nurse, counselor, or social worker help schedule an appointment at (559) 265-5500.

Minors Rights to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Access in California

Clients age 12 and over may receive the following services from the Fresno EOC Community Health Center on their own:

  • Pregnancy test
  • Contraception/Birth Control
  • Emergency Contraception (Plan B)
  • HIV/AIDS Test
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)/Disease test
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection, Birth Control, and Pregnancy Counseling
  • Infection Check
  • Reproductive Health Physical
  • Offer referrals for other services

Contact us

Youth can contact HEARTT directly or have their school nurse, counselor, or social worker help schedule an appointment


(559) 265-5500


Can my partner or friend come with me to my appointment?

Only youth with appointments can be transported to the clinic.  If the partner does not have an appointment, they will not be transported.

    Will parents/guardians find out about my appointment/services?

    We offer confidential services and no information about the appointment will be released without prior written approval from the client.

      Are my teachers and classmates going to find out?

      We work very closely with the school nurse, counselors, and caseworkers to call the students out of class to maintain confidentiality.  Students will check themselves out and are given a return slip back to class when they return to school.

        Who will transport the student?

        Staff from Fresno EOC Health and Dental Services work in pairs (male and female) to transport youth in a white unmarked van.  Staff will carry a badge for identification purposes. All drivers have been fingerprinted and have had a background check.

          Is it free?

          The transportation is free. All the reproductive healthcare services will be covered under Family PACT, if eligible.

          Do I have to use my personal insurance for reproductive health care?

          No, youth can decide to have their reproductive health care services covered under Family PACT to ensure confidentiality. 


          * indicates required

          Health Services - Contact Julio