Several Fresno EOC Health Services programs will be represented, with staff providing information about available services. Programs include:
- California Personal Responsibility Education Program (CA PREP) – provides sex education for youth to prevent teen pregnancies and the spread of STDs
- Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP) – provides services and referrals for pregnant teens, parenting teens, and their children
- Home Visitation Services (HVS) – provides developmental screenings, education, support, and referrals for Fresno County families with children 0 to 5 and covered by MediCal
- School-Based Sealant Program (SBSP) – provides preventative services to improve the oral health of elementary school-aged children
- Tobacco Education Program – provides education about the dangers of tobacco and the benefits of smoke-free policies
There will be free health screenings at Clinic Day. The Fresno EOC Community Health Center will provide blood pressure screenings, family planning and reproductive health information, oral health education and dental screenings for children 16 and younger. In addition, they will give away dental kits. Kits will come with a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and a timer to make sure kids brush their teeth for an appropriate amount of time, which is two minutes.
Attendees will also be able to learn about other Fresno EOC programs, including Women, Infants & Children (WIC), Head Start 0 to 5, and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Plus, a food distribution will be set up at the event with bags of fruits, veggies, and dry goods donated by the Central California Food Bank.
And speaking of food, each attendee will be treated to a free hot dog, chips, and a beverage. There will also be live entertainment and giveaways! So, be sure to head out to 2430 Calaveras Street (across from Dickey Playground) on May 13 between 3 to 5PM. Visit the Fresno EOC Health and Dental Services Facebook page for more information.
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