Dr. Rais Vohra, Interim Public Health Officer at the Fresno County Department of Public Health, says he is optimistic this won’t turn into a global pandemic. “We have antivirals, much, much faster than we did with COVID. All the people that we’re seeing are not hospitalized, unlike COVID. So, they’re recovering safely at home. And we’re in touch with them and we’re able to offer them support, whether that’s pain medication, fever medication, or a specific antiviral called TPOXX. So, we’ve made great, great strides in the very short time that we’ve been dealing with this outbreak in ways that we just weren’t able to with COVID.”
The Fresno EOC Community Health Center, located on Tulare and R Street, began administering the MPX vaccine on August 18. They administered about 60 doses that day and they have since expanded their efforts for the residents of Fresno County with three more sites.
MPX vaccine clinics are now open with limited hours at the Fresno EOC LGBTQ+ Resource Center located on the Fulton Mall, the Local Conservation Corps in West Fresno, and the Fresno EOC Calaveras Clinic in downtown Fresno. The MPX vaccine is free, however, there may be associated vaccine administration fees at certain locations. A Registered Nurse will administer the MPX vaccine at all Fresno EOC vaccine clinics. Walk-ins are welcome.
- Community Health Center Clinic – a primary care and comprehensive family planning clinic on R Street in downtown Fresno
- Oral Health Education Program – provides individuals with the opportunity to learn health information, develop skills needed to make better health decisions, and lead healthy lifestyles. The program educates children and families about proper dental hygiene, nutrition, and the importance of seeing a dental provider regularly
- Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP) – provides comprehensive case management services to pregnant and parenting teens and their children
- California Personal Responsibility Education Program (CA PREP) – provides free classes to inform and prevent unintended pregnancies, reduce high rates of sexually transmitted infections, and improve individuals’ sexual health and well being
- Tobacco Education Program – offers presentations and resources to the community about the risk of tobacco-related diseases as well as smoke-free policies
- School-Based Sealant Program– provides preventive oral health services, such as oral health education, dental sealants, and fluoride varnishes for elementary school-age children
- Home Visitation Services (HVS) – serves Medi-Cal-eligible families in Fresno County with children aged 0 to 5. We offer comprehensive family services, developmental assessments for children, and community-based referrals to resources that address the child’s and family’s overall needs. Our goal is to improve children’s development as well as the family’s overall well-being.
Call (559) 715-8481 for additional information.
For media inquiries, please contact pr@fresnoeoc.org