Notice of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Opportunities
Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission (Fresno EOC), Fresno, California
PROJECT: Operations and Maintenance of City of Fresno Handy Ride
PURPOSE. Fresno EOC is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EEO) and encourages participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) businesses. Fresno EOC Transit Systems is submitting a proposal to be the prime consultant for Operations and Maintenance of the City of Fresno Handy Ride project and is seeking letters of interest from certified DBE businesses. Services are operated in the City of Fresno. Note that firms must be certified with the California Unified Certification Program (CUCP) to an eligible DBE vendor for this project.
As a part of the project, Fresno EOC Transit Systems is developing a DBE participation list for DBE purchasing opportunities listed below. In establishing the proposed list, Fresno EOC is consulting with minority, women’s, and general contractor groups as well as community organizations who can share information on the availability of disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged businesses, the effects of discrimination on opportunities for DBEs, and Fresno EOC’s efforts to establish a level playing field for the participation of DBEs.
Projected DBE Purchasing Opportunities:
- Cleaning Supplies
- Pest Control
- Auto Repair
- Janitorial Services
- Tools
- Office Furniture
- Tires and Inner Tubes
- Motor Vehicles & Equipment
- Office Equipment
- Bus Parts & Supplies
- Paper & Paper Products
- Uniforms
- Auto & Home Supply
- Fuel Dealers
- Towing
- Security
- Landscaping
*** All opportunities are subject to Federal, State, and Local funding availability. ***
If you need assistance in determining your DBE status or obtaining information on how to be certified, you may contact the California Office of Business and Economic Opportunity at (916) 324-1700 or Monty Cox, Fresno EOC Transit Services Director at (559) 263-8004 or
If you are interested in participating, please email a copy of your CUCP certificate and a brief description of your company to Monty Cox, Fresno EOC Transit Services Director at
DBE RESOURCES. Â The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) administers the USDOT and State of California DBE Program. Refer to the following websites for more information on: DBE Certifications, DBE Renewals, DBE Directory.