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Open RFPs

Our RFP Process

Open RFPs

Due Date
(All times listed are Pacific Time)

December 13, 2024 by 4:00 PM

January 28, 2025 by 1:00 PM

Fresno EOC School of Unlimited Learning (SOUL) – Network Upgrades

December 13, 2024 by 4:00 PM

January 28, 2025 by 1:00 PM

Fresno EOC Local Conservation Corps (LCC) – Network Upgrades

December 13, 2024 by 4:00 PM

January 28, 2025 by 1:00 PM

Our RFP Process

Procurement by Competitive Proposal:

1) Procurement by Competitive Proposal is generally used when the use of sealed bids is not considered to be feasible. Competitive Proposals involve more than one source submitting an offer and either a fixed price or a cost-reimbursement type contract may be awarded.

2) The requirements of a Competitive Proposal are:

a) Request for Proposals (RFP) are to identify all factors on which the proposals will be evaluated and the weighting of each factor. Technical requirements for functions to be performed, including the range of acceptable characteristics or minimum acceptable standards, is to be included. The format in which proposals are to be submitted, the submission deadline, and the person to whom the proposals should be sent need to be clearly stated within the RFP.

b) The factors which are to be used to evaluate the RFPs using a weighted scale may consider some, or all, of the following criteria:

  • Adequacy of the proposed methodology
  • Skill and experience of key personnel
  • Demonstrated experience
  • Other technical specifications designated by the program requesting proposals
  • Compliance with administrative requirements of the request for proposal (format, due date, etc.)
  • Contractor’s financial stability
  • Contractor’s demonstrated commitment to the nonprofit sector
  • Results of communications with references supplied by vendor
  • Ability/commitment to meeting time deadlines
  • Cost
  • Minority- or women-owned business status of vendor
  • Other criteria (to be specified by the program requesting proposal)

Not all of the preceding criteria may apply in each purchasing scenario. However, the program responsible for the purchase shall establish the relative importance of the appropriate criteria prior to requesting proposals and shall evaluate each proposal on the basis of the criteria and weighting that have been determined.

c) The RFP is submitted to the Chief Executive Officer, or designated Officer, for approval and review of the procurement timeline.

d) Notice of the Request for Proposals (RFP) must be publicized and proposals must be solicited from an adequate number of qualified sources.

e) A full copy of the RFP is to be made available in response to a request from a potential bidder.

f) If a pre-bidders conference is to be held to provide technical aspects of the procurement, the meeting details must be included in the RFP.

g) The date and time of receipt of each proposal will be appropriately documented.

h) A ranking panel, with sufficient knowledge of the technical areas within the RFP, will be assembled to complete the evaluation of the RFP, in accordance with the evaluation criteria established in the RFP which may include the evaluation of the proposal submission as well as an interview of the bidder’s representatives. The ranking panel will include a combination of employees, Commissioners, community representatives, and independent technical experts, as deemed appropriate.

3) Award of a Competitive Proposal is to be made to the responsible firm whose proposal is most advantageous to the program with price and other factors as identified in the Request for Proposal considered. The recommendation of the ranking panel will be forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, for approval to forward the recommendation to the Board for approval.

4) Following the approval of the Board, all bidders will be notified that the procurement decision has been made either favorably or unfavorably to them.

5) A contract, or purchase order, is to be executed with the awarded bidder in accordance with Agency policies and procedures. No disbursements will be issued until the contract or purchase order has been finalized and submitted to Accounts Payable.

6) Competitive Proposals may be utilized for qualifications-based procurement of architectural/engineering professional services where the qualifications of the bidders are evaluated. This method, where price is not evaluated, can only be used in procurement of architectural/engineering services. Funding source requirements should be reviewed to ensure the permissible use of this method prior to implementation.


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