Our Stories
October 20, 2014
Make-A-Difference Day – National Day of Service
Fresno EOC Local Conservation Corps YouthBuild Charter School of California Make-A-Difference Day – National Day of Service Lodgepole Campground Picnic Table Renovation Project October 8-11, 2014 By Montel Holmes, LCC Corpsmember/YCSC student On October 8-11, 2014, 10 Fresno EOC Local Conservation Corps (LCC) corpsmembers and YouthBuild Charter School of California (YCSC) students and three staff members were dispatched for volunteer work to restore the Lodgepole Campground picnic tables that were damaged during the winter.
October 17, 2014
Sanctuary Homeless Youth Shelter Undergoes Renovation
Sanctuary Homeless Youth Shelter Undergoes Renovation Shelter will temporarily resume business at Fresno Rescue Mission (Fresno, CA) After 20 years, Fresno EOC Sanctuary Homeless Youth Shelter, a designated Safe Place for youth, will be renovating the facility and will be re-located during construction. Emergency Shelter and intervention services for homeless and runaway youth will continue operating as a California State licensed group home at the Fresno Rescue Mission. From October 20th-December 10th, 2014, the Sanctuary
July 9, 2014
Is My Baby Getting Enough Breast milk?
There is so much information for moms to learn during pregnancy and after child birth. Many moms always ask us how to determine whether or not their baby is getting enough of their breast milk. We have good news. Newborns have tiny tummies and only need small amounts of breastmilk during the first days of life. Here are a few facts new moms can utilize to make sure their newborn is getting enough breast milk:
Working with the Fresno EOC Foster Grandparents Program has been a very good learning experience in my life. This experience is changing my life day by day in the way to see, to analyze things, situations before coming to the conclusion of any situation that I am facing in my personal life: at home, my relationship with my family, grandchildren, etc. My experience at the Local Conservation Corps (LCC) helps me to build and improve
April 25, 2014
Fresno EOC WIC Second Annual Easter Event
The vision of our CEO Brian Angus once again made many families and children very happy at Fresno EOC WIC’s Second Annual Easter Event which took place on April 12th at our own Executive Plaza courtyard. On behalf of Fresno EOC WIC, we would like to say thank you to the many volunteers who generously contributed their time and resources to making this event successful. Without their enthusiasm and dedication, the Easter Event would not
To celebrate the contributions of Cesar Chavez in the Central Valley, 6 corpsmembers and staff from the Fresno EOC Local Conservation Corps/YouthBuild Charter School of California attended the Cesar Chavez Day of Service at the Cesar Chavez National Monument in Keene, California. Our service day assignment was weeding and general beautification of the Cesar Chavez Memorial Garden. Along with our service, we also had the opportunity to visit the museum and learn more about Cesar
February 6, 2014
CalViva Health Donates $6000 to Fresno EOC WIC
As one of the leading local health plan providers in the Fresno area, CalViva Health has engaged in a promising partnership with Fresno EOC WIC to provide crucial services to our participants. Collaboration efforts have led to a successful monthly Baby Shower Event hosted at the CalViva offices and is attended by Fresno EOC WIC members. On January 28th, 2014, at one of the Baby Shower events, CalViva health proudly donated $6000 to fund outreach
January 31, 2014
Corpsmember of the Year Award Earned in Fresno
Each year The Corps Network honors Local Conservation Corpsmembers whose accomplishments and personal stories exemplify the positive role that Corps serve for individuals and communities nationwide. This year we are proud to announce Fresno EOC’s Local Conservation Corps member, Edgar Galvez, was selected to receive this prestigious national award. Edgar went from federal prison to earning his high school diploma, attending Fresno City College, and is now employed earning almost $19 per hour. We congratulate Edgar on
January 28, 2014
Can I Breastfeed While Sick?
It’s that time of the year again. Flu season can be a stressful time for new mothers who are breastfeeding. The common misconception by most mothers is that they cannot breastfeed when they are sick. It is a very logical concern to have but believe it or not, most illnesses do not require mothers to stop breastfeeding! Whether it’s the common cold, flu, fever or stomach flu, mothers can nurse without worrying that they’ll make
Congratulations to our Fresno EOC WIC Breastfeeding Resources Program team on being one of three got milk? 20 Awardees in the Central Valley! The WIC team assists mothers and families in creating healthy habits starting at birth! “We are excited to receive this recognition from the California Milk Processor Board & got milk? for our exemplary community service efforts in support of breastfeeding,” said Jack Lazzarini, Interim Director for Fresno EOC WIC. “This award will
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