Let Your Voice Be Heard
Fresno EOC Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning Sessions
We will be hosting the following Zoom sessions to discuss our Core Values, Mission Statement, and Vision Statement.
Strategic Planning Sessions: (5:00pm-8:00pm)
- Oct. 18, Monday — Core Values
- Nov. 17, Wednesday — Mission Statement
- Dec. 9, Thursday — Vision Statement
Zoom Meeting
Each meeting will use the same Zoom ID and Passcode.
Meeting ID: 886 5050 2715
Passcode: 573379

A Strategic Plan identifies where the organization wants to be at some point in the future and how it is going to get there.
Fresno EOC’s strategic planning objective is to create a 5-year plan for the agency to guide the work we do and make sure it is aligned with the needs and priorities of our community. The planning process includes three parts.
- Conducting a Community Needs Assessment: surveys and community meetings to hear what the community has to say and then analyzing it to see where we need to adjust the work we are doing
- Developing a Community Action Plan: a plan to help meet the needs and priorities of the community based on the feedback we receive in the surveys and community meetings
- Crafting a Strategic Plan for Fresno EOC: a plan that we will follow for the next 5 years, based on the community’s needs.

The best way to get to know what’s needed most is to speak directly with the community we serve. We need your input, so we have developed a survey and will host community meetings (the survey and the meetings are conducted in English, Spanish, and Hmong) to give you the opportunity to provide direct input and make the biggest impact upon the future of Fresno County. Your input will tell us what issues the community cares most about and how we can help meet these needs.

For more information about how we carry out our goals once they are set in place, download our 2017-2022 strategic plan here (25MB)
The 5-year plan we are currently working under was approved in 2017 and includes these goals:
To create inclusive and safe environments within our communities.
Cultivate self-sufficiency through comprehensive career development pathways.
Build a collaborative educational roadmap to attain positive outcomes through intergenerational adult/child relationships and interactions.
Health and Wellness
Expand health and wellness access and strengthen outreach to urban and rural communities.
Youth Empowerment Services
Jointly organize and work with communities to develop and sustain gang prevention programs.
Emotional Stability
Support our clients in their quest for emotional stability to navigate life in a manner that leads to a well-adjusted, sustainable life.