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Impact Report 2023

The Foster Grandparent Program provides mentoring, tutoring and social-emotional support for children and youth resulting in improved academic, social, and emotional skills in partnership with Fresno EOC and Community.

What we do

Volunteers ages 55+ who mentor children, youth, and young adults on a one-on-one basis and in group settings to promote academic success.


Read about the Foster Grandparent Program eligibility requirements.


Fill out our form and get started on your way to becoming a Foster Grandparent.

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About Foster Grandparent Program Services

What We Do

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“Foster Grandparents share today to shape tomorrow” —(CNCS website)

The Foster Grandparent Program bridges generations as senior volunteers provide one-to-one mentoring and emotional support to underserved infants, children, and teens throughout Fresno and Madera Counties, promoting literacy and academic success as well as fostering social-emotional and cognitive-behavioral development.

Foster Grandma and ChildFoster Grandparent Program volunteers – referred to affectionately as Grandma or Grandpa – are matched with a young person that will most benefit from heartfelt attention or from guidance by way of an elder’s precious pearl of life wisdom.

The Foster Grandparent Program also promotes quality of life for seniors. A Foster Grandparent extends love and wisdom and devotes time and attention to mentor and nurture a young person who otherwise might not receive heartfelt sharing and caring. In exchange, the Foster Grandparent is afforded a rewarding opportunity to make a difference in the life of another which in turn contributes toward an enhanced sense of purpose and self-worth.

Storytime Online

Keep an eye out for more Storytime videos right here!

Foster Grandparent helping a young child to fulfill potential
Foster Grandparent with children

Storytime Online

Keep an eye out for more Storytime videos right here!

Foster Grandparent Stories

Fresno EOC Foster Grandparent Program Receives $396,000 Grant to Expand Volunteer Base

The Foster Grandparent Program, has received a generous grant of $396,000 from AmeriCorps. This funding will let the program add 40 new grandparents, increasing the number of volunteers from nearly 50 to around 90. The program connects senior volunteers with...

Spreading Warmth this Holiday Season: Foster Grandparents Gift Free Blankets to Head Start Kids

The Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission's Foster Grandparent Program made a heartwarming impact this holiday season. Thanks to a generous donation of over 150 blankets from Project Linus, Foster Grandparents brought joy to children and families in the Head Start...

Raquel Padia: Pioneering Intergenerational Excellence through the Foster Grandparents Program – A Transformative Eisner Prize Fellowship Journey

Congratulations to Raquel Padia, Volunteer Specialist with Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission Foster Grandparent Program and Project Leader for Generations Serving Together Fresno, on being selected as a Fellow in the prestigious Eisner Prize Fellowship program....

Boosting Literacy and Creating Lasting Bond: Foster Grandparents Reading Day a Success!

Recently, a heartwarming encounter took place at the Kings Canyon Head Start 0 to 5 site, as dedicated volunteers from The Foster Grandparent Program graced the premises. Together, they embarked on a delightful reading journey with the enchanting book, 'The Doorbell...

Tech Graduations for Seniors

Technology is everywhere, and by understanding how to use a computer, seniors are able to connect with family, pay bills, schedule medical appointments, and keep up with world events that may impact them. Forty-five seniors from around Fresno County are now a bit more...

Fresno EOC Foster Grandparent Program Spreading Sunshine

The power of play is essential in children’s lives, especially those hospitalized and facing long-term stays. Fresno EOC Foster Grandparent Program is helping kids who face medical challenges and may not have options for stress relief, socialization, creativity, or fun. Click here to learn about the efforts of these volunteer grandparents, reaching children across the country.

Grandma Ruth's Corner

Grandma Ruth’s Corner: Staying Safe and Connected in the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic cut off many of us from family, friends, and co-workers. It also cut off a special group of volunteers who dedicate their time to students through the Fresno EOC Foster Grandparent program. But thanks to some creative thinking, students were able to stay connected with one Foster Grandma.

Foster Grandparent Peer Support Group

The pandemic and other stressors in the world have many of us thinking about mental wellness and self-care these days. And with seniors being among the most vulnerable populations in a time of health risks and social isolation, it’s an area being addressed by the Fresno EOC Foster Grandparent Program. Find out how the program is helping its seniors stay connected and cope with struggles, both present, and past.

Foster Grandparents Warming Hearts

As temperatures drop, the Fresno EOC Foster Grandparent Program is working to make sure kids in Fresno get a little warmth and comfort. Learn how they are taking part in Project Linus and distributing brand new, handmade security blankets to kids in need.

Fresno EOC Foster Grandparent Program Storytime

Storytime with Fresno EOC Foster Grandparent Program

Sharing a book is a great way to bond and create memories. These days, volunteers with Fresno EOC Foster Grandparent Program are taking time to read to youngsters. But since the pandemic, story time looks a little different. Watch and listen as Grandma Simona shares a...


The Foster Grandparent Program eligibility requirements are as follows:

  • Age 55+
  • Income meets program guidelines
  • Background clearance
  • Physical health status
  • Enthusiasm
  • Compassion
  • Positive outlook on life

The Foster Grandparent Program Volunteer benefits include:

  • Tax-exempt stipend
  • Transportation allowance
  • Personal fulfillment
  • Lots of love

How can I become a Foster Grandparent?

The Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) application and enrollment process is federally regulated and entails the following four steps:

  • Step 1. A pre-screening interview is conducted to confirm eligibility and answers any questions that a potential Grandparent volunteer may have.
  • Step 2. The prospective Grandparent volunteer attends a group informational meeting and completes the Foster Grandparent Program Application and Volunteer Questionnaire. Required compliance documents are collected: a valid California ID, proof of auto insurance may be requested. One-to-one interviews are conducted to discuss the Volunteer Questionnaire responses.
  • Step 3. The prospective Grandparent volunteer undergoes a physical screening by their health care provider and thereafter a physical status report is provided to verify that the applicant is cleared to volunteer with youth.
  • Step 4. A background check is initiated and once the Foster Grandparent Program receives notification of an individual’s clearance, a 3-day orientation is scheduled in addition to the 20 hours of field training at a volunteer site.

Enroll Now

Fill out the interest form and we will contact you with the next steps.

    Community Services - Foster Grandparent Enrollment Form


    1805 California Ave.
    Fresno, CA 93706 
    8:30 am to 5:00 pm
    Phone (559) 263-8910


    Volunteer locations are throughout Fresno County.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the program's mission?
    Foster Grandparent Program Mission: To foster a healthy, unified and productive community by enhancing the literacy and social-emotional development of underserved children and teens through the cultivation of personalized mentoring relationships with wise elders.
    Is the program successful?
    The Foster Grandparent Program has a proven track record as a successful intergenerational mentoring project, which for the past 42 years has coordinated volunteer service that has consistently generated positive outcomes and widespread positive impact in the local community as Senior volunteers are matched with underserved infants, children, and teens at 40+ volunteer sites throughout Fresno and Madera Counties. In 2012, FGP volunteers provided over 82,000 hours of mentoring support to more than 15,000 young people to promote literacy, life skills, effective communication, self-esteem, and social-emotional/cognitive-behavioral development. Also, in 2012, children and teens that benefited from mentoring support by a Foster Grandparent demonstrated an average 75% improvement in language proficiency and upgraded reading skills.
    What ages and who does the program serve?
    Foster Grandparents devote their volunteer service to underserved, disadvantaged and/or disabled infants, children, and youth offering emotional support to child victims of abuse and neglect; tutoring children with low literacy skills; mentoring troubled teenagers, youth offenders, and young mothers; along with caring for premature infants and children with physical disabilities and severe illnesses.
    Where do the Grandparent mentors meet with their mentees?
    Volunteer sites have been established at Head Start and Early Education Centers; Elementary, Intermediate, and Secondary Schools; Fresno City College; Boys & Girls Clubs; Fresno County Library Branches; Children’s Hospital Central California; Fresno County Juvenile Justice Campus; Youth Shelters; and Domestic Violence Shelters.
    Can non-seniors also volunteer?

    The Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) is a formally structured Senior Volunteer mentor program. However, community volunteers are welcome to assist with recognition events, special projects, in-service training presentations, community awareness activities, and resource development along with membership in the FGP Community Advisory Group. A potential community volunteer may contact the Foster Grandparent Program office at (559) 263-1533 for additional information or complete our Volunteer Interest Form.

    What kinds of donations do you accept?

    The Foster Grandparent Program actively collaborates with like-hearted community partners and philanthropic individuals for program support in the form of grants, sponsorships, monetary donationspro-bono professional services and in-kind contributions. Please contact the Foster Grandparent Program at (559) 263-1533 for specifics.


    * indicates required

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