We are now accepting 2025 LIHEAP applications.

As of October 1, 2024, Energy Services will no longer accept paper applications.

Apply through the Energy Services Portal below.

  • It’s easy and convenient to apply.
  • You can check the status of your application at any time.
  • If approved you can see your benefit amount in the portal.

Tell Us How We're Doing

Help us improve our services by taking our quick survey! Your opinion matters and will help us understand how well we meet your needs. Your feedback will guide us in making our programs better for you and the community. Thank you for your time and input!

Impact Report 2023

Each year, Energy Services assists over 10,000 households, making a significant impact in Fresno County.

Apply for Energy Services quickly and conveniently online! Use our new online application and get updates anytime.






Please watch the video for application instructions and valuable information.


For over 45 years, Fresno EOC Energy Services has provided housing improvements, energy conservation, consumer education & advocacy, utility assistance, and other services to low-income households in Fresno County.  Through various federal, state, local and private funding opportunities, our program works to help our community become energy efficient and ease energy burdens one household at a time. LIHEAP offers one-time financial assistance for energy bills in Fresno County per calendar year.


Weatherization Services

Homeowners and renters in Fresno County who are income-eligible can save money not only on their energy bills but also on repairs. We can help with qualified mobile homes, apartments, houses, and condos!

Weatherization includes the installation of energy conservation measures and provides energy education to help make your home safer and more comfortable. Our goal is to reduce energy costs while improving energy efficiency and ensuring health and safety for low-income families, particularly the elderly, people with disabilities, and families with young children.

Fresno EOC Energy Services may be able to assist eligible households with minor repairs or replacements for qualifying units when certain conditions are met. *

* To be determined after dwelling assessment.

Weatherization measures may include:

  • Weather-stripping doors, sealing windows and gaps around the home
  • Testing, repairing, and/or replacement* of refrigerators, water heaters, heating and/or cooling systems, and cooking appliances
  • Insulating exterior walls, ceilings, and floors
  • Installing low-flow shower heads
  • Upgrading interior and exterior lighting services to LED
  • Duct repair and replacement

These changes help increase the comfort of your home while saving you money. Without weatherization, homes waste energy, making heating/cooling units work harder to keep your home at a constant temperature, which will result in increased utility costs.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

We provide financial assistance to help offset an eligible Fresno County household’s home energy costs.

Fresno County residents experience triple-digit heat in the summer and freezing temperatures in the winter. They are forced to use their air conditioning and heating systems to maintain a comfortable and safe temperature in their homes, which can lead to costly and unaffordable heating and cooling bills.

The Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) assists eligible households in a crisis situation. Examples include a household that has received a 48-hour disconnect notice or service termination by its utility company or a household facing an energy-related crisis or life-threatening emergency in the applicant’s household, including a combustible appliance.

Additional services include:

  • Energy budget counseling.
  • Education on basic energy efficiency practices.
  • Instruction on adequately using and maintaining installed weatherization measures.


Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) can provide one payment per program year for electricity, gas, propane, wood or oil for eligible households.

To be eligible for LIHEAP and Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP), applicants must:

  • be a Fresno County resident
  • live in a low-income household (click to view income guidelines)
  • have a valid social security card
  • provide current income verification (pay stubs for the previous 6 weeks)
  • present ID such as a driver’s license, California ID, and/or valid US identification
  • provide all pages of current energy bill / 48-hour notice / shut off or provide a current receipt of wood, propane, home heating oil, or gas
  • other documents not listed might be required

Find relief at one of Fresno County’s cooling and warming centers. Visit their website for a complete list of locations and learn how to stay safe during extreme seasonal temperatures.

Energy Services frequently asked questions

What does weatherization do for a home?
The goal is to keep the warm air in and the cold air out in the winter and keep the cold air in and the warm air out in the summer. The most common types of weatherization include: sealing the holes and cracks, insulation, weather stripping, fixing broken window glass, water heater blankets, and making sure your heating and air condition systems are working correctly.
What documents do I need?
  • Completed and signed application.
  • Current electric and gas bill.
  • Current income for all household members for past 30 days.
  • Copy of social security card for the applicant.
  • Copy of valid California ID for applicant and household members 60 and over.
  • Current Food Stamp grant verification form and Low-income housing verification, if applicable.
How can I qualify for your program?
The first step is submitting an application. Energy services are available to low-income property owners and renters. Eligibility is based on the household’s total gross monthly income.
Are you sure these services are free?
Yes. Through funding that is provided from federal, state and private grants, we are able to provide these services at no cost to income-eligible households.
I am a renter. Can I still qualify for Weatherization Services'

Yes, as long as you are income-eligible for the program and we get permission from your landlord to do the work.

My house is falling apart…can you fix my roof? Can you fix my stairs?
No. We are an energy efficiency program and work only on changes that make your home energy efficient. We do not provide construction or home upgrade services.
Can I get a new refrigerator? A Stove? A microwave?
Fresno EOC Energy Services is an energy efficiency program. That being said, when our technicians go into the home to inspect the specific needs of that residence; part of their assessment is to check the efficiency and safety of appliances. Besides staying within budget, certain conditions must be met when determining whether the residence qualifies to have an appliance repaired or replaced. Please understand that our staff is committed to assisting our clients to our fullest potential. When the technician submits recommendations to their supervisor, they are checked against a budget and contractual guidelines before determining what will be done to the home.
My water heater and/or heating appliances are broken. Can you replace them for free?

Our services are free to those families who meet the income eligibility guidelines. If certain conditions are met, your home may be eligible for assistance with the repair and/or replacement of water heating appliances. When there is an emergency, please alert the intake representative assisting you so they can make sure your application is processed through the proper channels.

My utility service provider told me I was qualified for weatherization services, why do I have to go through the application process again?

The utility service provider does a pre-qualification survey before referring you to Fresno EOC Energy Services. By completing the application, this allows us to qualify you for additional energy services programs and refer you to additional Fresno EOC programs that you may qualify for.

My utility service provider told me to call you to get my heater/cooler fixed. When can you come fix it?

Fresno EOC is not a Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) contractor. Fresno EOC’s State programs may assist low-income residents with facilitating repairs and replacement of heating and air conditioning units by using our authorized contractors. Persons interested in these services must apply and be found eligible for energy services.

What is the difference between a pledge and a payment?
  •  A payment is applied to your account from the state.
  •  A pledge is a notification from our office to your utility, informing them of the eligible amount. The pledge will prevent disconnection or restore service while the utility waits for the payment from the state.
What if I get shut off?

If your services have been disconnected or you have received a 48-hour disconnection notice AND you have already submitted an online application, please contact our office to schedule an appointment to expedite your application. If you have not submitted your application, please complete the application prior to contacting our office.

What is my application status?

All applications are processed and approved on a first-come, first-served basis. The time frame for approval may vary based on the volume of applications received. Through the online application portal, you are able to check your application status at any time. Once your approval information is sent to the state, your utility payment will be processed within 6-8 weeks. You will receive a letter containing your payment information.

How do I turn in my application?

All applications must be submitted through the online application portal. If you experience difficulties with the application portal or require additional assistance, you may schedule an appointment by calling (559) 263-1320.

What are Fresno EOC Energy Services Hours and Holiday Closures?

The general working hours of Fresno EOC Energy Services are 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday except for recognized holidays, agency special events and agency closures. During holidays and closures, applications can still be submitted through the online application portal

Apply Here

Fresno EOC Energy Services observes and is closed on the following holidays

  • New Year’s Day
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • President Day
  • Caesar Chavez Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Indigenous People’s Day
  • Veteran’s Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Day after Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day – New Year’s Day

Energy Services Handouts

Form / Document


FAQs About Asbestos in the Home and Workplace

This fact sheet provides information to people who are trying to determine whether there is asbestos-containing material in their home or workplace, and what they might do if there is asbestos. 

Budget Worksheet

Create your own budget.

Statement Of Citizenship Or Non-Citizen Status

Public Benefits To Citizens And Non-Citizens.

EPA Citizens guide to Radon

The Guide To Protecting Yourself And Your Family From Radon.

EPA Mold Guide

A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home.

EPA Renovate Right Brochure

The lead-safe certified guide to renovate right.

Keeping Your Home Warm/Cool Without Breaking the Bank

Winter/Summer is here and we are all looking for ways to keep our homes warm/cool and our energy bills low.

Lead In Your Home Booklet

Lead From Paint, Dust, and Soil in and Around Your Home Can Be Dangerous if Not Managed Properly

Energy Services Stories

Fresno EOC Energy Services Receives Proclamation on Weatherization Day

Fresno EOC Energy Services Program received special recognition for Weatherization Day, with Fresno County Supervisor Nathan Magsig presenting a proclamation from the Fresno County Board of Supervisors during the annual event. Weatherization is the process of adding...

Empowering Communities: Fresno EOC Breaks Ground on Energy Project

The Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission (Fresno EOC) is starting a new energy project in the Central Valley to make the community more sustainable and innovative. This project, called Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G), is a big step forward for Fresno. Fresno EOC is working...

From Struggle to Comfort: The Impact of Weatherization Services in Fresno

Residents of the Central Valley are no strangers to triple-digit summer temperatures, which often lead to higher-than-normal electric and gas bills. Efficient air conditioning and heating are crucial in the valley. Joe Ramirez of Fresno experienced a particularly...

Weatherization Event: Save Energy, Save Money, and Improve Your Home

On October 30th, 2023 the community is welcomed to come to Energy Services Weatherization Day event. Weatherization is a process of implementing free home repairs and replacements aimed at reducing utility costs, enhancing home safety, and promoting better health....

Make Your Home Cozy and Warm for the Holidays Without Burning a Hole in Your Wallet

As the temperatures drop, we are pulling out our sweaters and turning up the heat in our homes. It’s also an excellent time to think about ways to keep your energy costs low while keeping your home safe and comfortable. Home weatherization measures can help.Fresno EOC...

Get Help Keeping Your Home Warm This Winter

Bone-chilling weather lurks around the corner, which makes this a great time to raise awareness about our energy use. October is Energy Awareness Month, designated by the U.S. Department of Energy to spread the word about using energy wisely, both for the environment...

Fresno EOC Helps You Pay Your Water and Electric Bills at a New Office Space

Fresno EOC Energy Services can help households with energy costs and water bills, and now they are making it even easier with a new location to find assistance.The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the new Low-Income Household Water Assistance...

Transform Fresno Brings Cleaner Air and Food for Healing

Transform Fresno is making change in our community. The intended outcome of this ambitious initiative is that residents see significant environmental and economic benefits in downtown, Chinatown, and southwest Fresno. The state’s Transformative Climate Communities...

New Program to Help You Pay Overdue Water Bills Now Accepting Applications

Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission (Fresno EOC) is now accepting applications for a new emergency program to help families pay overdue water bills. The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is designated for households that are in danger of...

New Fresno EOC Program Can Help You Pay Overdue Bills and Keep Your Water Running

Fresno EOC is about to launch an emergency program to help families pay overdue water bills. The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is designated for households that are in danger of losing or have already lost their water services. But it’s...

Fresno Office Location and hours


(559) 263-1320
Monday – Friday
8:30 am to 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

If you need assistance with the online application portal, please call (559) 263-1320 to schedule an appointment.

Rural and Offsite Locations

Dates and times are subject to change. Please call LIHEAP at (559) 263-1320 to make an appointment for any location.

Fresno EOC Energy Services – Administration for Vendors and Subcontractors
Now Open)

1900 Mariposa Street, Suite 260
Fresno, CA 93721

Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Closed for Lunch
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

West Fresno County
Now Open)

Fresno EOC Resource Center
121 Belmont
Mendota, CA 93640

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Closed for Lunch
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

North West Fresno
(Now Open)

Workforce Connection
3170 W Shaw Ave
Fresno, CA 93727

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Southeast Fresno County
Now Open)

Fresno County Department of Social Services
3830 McCall Ave,
Selma, CA 93662

8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Closed for Lunch
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Southwest Fresno
Now Open)

Local Conservation Corps
1805 E. California Ave. Fresno, CA

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Closed for Lunch
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Southeast Fresno County
Now Open)

Fresno County Department of  Social Services
1195 Manning Ave,
Reedley, CA 93654

8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Closed for Lunch
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.


* indicates required

Health Services - Contact Julio