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About Sanctuary Housing Services
Fresno EOC Sanctuary and Support Services has been assisting individuals and families over 20 years.
Permanent Supportive Housing
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) assists chronically homeless individuals and/or families.
Bridge Housing
This is for individuals and families that have an identified housing plan and are in need of a safe and accessible place to wait until their housing plan next steps can take place.
Are you under the age of 18?
If you are a youth (under 18) in crisis, click here.
Permanent Supportive Housing
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) assists chronically homeless individuals and/or families with permanent housing and supportive services, in partnership with Fresno Housing Authority, and with funding support from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Bridge Housing
Bridge Housing is reserved for individuals and families that have an identified housing plan who are between 18-24 years of age. The goal is to give individuals and families a safe and accessible place to wait until the housing opportunity they have been matched to or identified is available.
While in bridge housing:
- Clients will receive case management
- Access to supportive services identified through their case plan
- Employment and educational assistance services
- Referrals to mainstream services