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January 12, 2023

Dear Community Members and Save Our Sanctuary,

Thank you for your love, passion, and commitment to our community. On December 15, 2022, Fresno EOC received 45 letters from members of Save Our Sanctuary regarding our N Street Shelter transitioning from serving 12–17-year-old youth to serving 18–24-year-old individuals. We heard you and took your recommendations into consideration.

Since the transition began, Fresno EOC was able to fulfill the majority of the recommendations. We continue providing supportive services at 1046 T. Street, which is a designated Safe Place for youth in crisis. Also, we identified new funding and continue to seek out more opportunities to support these efforts. Prior to the transition, we convened and met with community members and other stakeholders to leverage our partnerships to provide more services to young adults experiencing homelessness.

Our N Street location now provides young adults and families, ages 18-24, with temporary housing and supportive services.

Please accept our apologies for not responding sooner due to the holiday season. Nonetheless, we are grateful for your engagement, and we continue to support ending youth homelessness.

Thank you,

Emilia Reyes, CEO
Fresno EOC

November 1, 2022

As many of you know, our Sanctuary Youth Shelter operated for 30 years in Fresno, offering emergency shelter and supportive services to runaway and homeless youth. As requirements have shifted and additional family shelters opened, we noticed a decrease in need for specific services in the community. Due to a lack of clients that met the Basic Center Program requirements and being good stewards of public funds, we could not continue accepting funds with an empty shelter. As a result, we are continuously adjusting to community needs and are shifting to serve young adults at this shelter.

Here are additional updates on services we continue to provide.

Youth under 24 years of age, will still have a Safe Place to drop-in. Now, the location to receive immediate access for assessment of services is at 1046 T Street and serves all youth. Here, we work directly with Fresno County Department of Social Services for any unaccompanied minors that are unable to safely reunite with family. We continue to operate the emergency shelter and bridge housing for those ages 18 to 24. 

What’s happening with our former youth shelter? The N Street location recently received funding from the City of Fresno to expand bridge housing services for young adults ages 18 to 24, experiencing homelessness. Staff recruitment efforts are underway while we are preparing the shelter for accepting young adults. Additionally, Fresno EOC is partnering with Fresno City College Project HOPE to serve students experiencing homelessness in Project HOPE with temporary shelter while they work with case managers to access housing services.

We are hopeful this transition will serve more youth and touch more lives.

Media inquiries can be directed to

September 29, 2022

As a community responsive agency, we listen to our community and adjust programs to better serve those using our services.  As of September 29, 2022, after 30 years, our Sanctuary Youth Shelter will be closed for renovations and will be repurposed for new community housing programs later this year.

While this location is repurposed for other housing needs, our Sanctuary and Support Services is increasing housing opportunities for young adults that need temporary housing while they are waiting for permanent housing or reunification with their families.

Youth under 24 years of age, will have a Safe Place to drop-in and receive services at our temporary housing shelter located at 1046 T Street, in downtown Fresno.

Our 300 Safe Place locations will direct all youth who need assistance to our T Street location for services and assistance. Any youth in crisis can reach out to our Text4Help campaign through Safe Place by texting the word “Safe” and their current location to 4HELP (44357) or by texting/calling Sanctuary Transitional Shelter at (559) 931-1444.

Since 1977, Fresno EOC Sanctuary and Support Services has served adults and youth in Fresno County. Helping them to find shelter, eat a meal, have access to services, and to feel safe. We will continue providing coordinated and comprehensive services for those in need. For more information on our Sanctuary programs and services, please visit:



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