The Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission’s Foster Grandparent Program made a heartwarming impact this holiday season. Thanks to a generous donation of over 150 blankets from Project Linus, Foster Grandparents brought joy to children and families in the Head Start 0 to 5 and Women, Infant, and Children programs.
Established in 1995, Project Linus is a national organization dedicated to providing homemade blankets to children ages 0-18 facing serious illness or trauma. Elena Walthour, representing the local chapter in the Central Valley, shared that they have been partnering with Fresno EOC since 2021 to distribute blankets to Head Start and WIC programs.
“We’re committed to continuing our mission of bringing comfort and smiles to the children in our community, with the support of Fresno EOC, which provides crucial services to our youth,” said Walthour.
The Foster Grandparent Program plays a pivotal role in the lives of children at Head Start 0 to 5, offering more than just blankets. The dedicated grandparents contribute their time, wisdom, and compassion, creating meaningful connections. In the spirit of giving, they enrich the educational experience, providing emotional support and guidance to the children they serve.
Each year, different Head Start 0 to 5 sites are selected to receive blankets. In 2023, four sites in the Selma and Caruthers area were chosen: Caruthers Head Start, Roosevelt Head Start, Wilson Head Start, and Washington Head Start.
Also the giving did not just stop there, the WIC program hosts heartwarming baby showers for expectant mothers and others enrolled in WIC, they were also able to receive handmade blankets as thoughtful gifts. Plus, young adult parents enrolled in the Local Conservation Corps (LCC) and YouthBuild Charter High School received blankets as well showing that initiatives extend beyond education and job training, creating a community where handmade blankets make a meaningful difference, wrapping families in warmth and care.