Congratulations to Sandra Peregrina for being our Employee of the Month for April! Sandra joined our team in February 2017 and works at our Downtown office both in the clinic and our call center. She is an exemplary employee whose hard work, positive attitude, and teamwork stand out daily. She is terrific with breastfeeding moms and goes above and beyond to help them accomplish their breastfeeding goals. Sandra also provides excellent customer service to our WIC participants ensuring that their needs are met.The team appreciates the effort and time she puts into her job and commends her for her hard work, positivity, and commitment to helping clients and staff members. Sandra is a highly efficient employee and embodies our WIC vision, mission, and core values. Congratulations Sandra!!
Fresno EOC Story Categories
- Access Plus Capital
- Adolescent Family Life Program
- Advance Peace
- African American Coalition
- Agency
- Board
- California Personal Responsibility Education Program (CA PREP)
- Central Valley Against Human Trafficking (CVAHT)
- Community Services
- Employment & Training
- Energy Services
- Food Distribution
- Food Services
- Foster Grandparent Program
- Head Start 0 to 5
- Health Services
- Home Page
- Homeless Services
- Housing Programs
- LGBTQ+ Resource Center
- Local Conservation Corps
- Press Release
- Recycling
- Safe Place
- Sanctuary
- Sanctuary Housing
- Sanctuary Youth Shelter
- School of Unlimited Learning
- Street Saints
- Tobacco Education
- Transform Fresno
- Transit Systems
- Uncategorized
- Workforce Connection Young Adult Program
- YouthBuild