Sep 2, 2022 | Employment & Training, Head Start 0 to 5, Homeless Services, Housing Programs, Uncategorized
23-year old Raihannah and her 2-year old daughter haven’t had it easy. They’ve been staying at the Fresno EOC Sanctuary and Support Services Youth Bridge Housing in downtown Fresno for nearly six months. Raihannah says she has been through a tough emotional and...
May 28, 2021 | Employment & Training, Uncategorized, VAC
Several students from Fresno EOC Valley Apprenticeship Connection construction classes recently teamed up with Habitat for Humanity to help repair and restore the home of an older adult veteran. With the help of Habitat for Humanity staff and the Henry Company, VAC...
Sep 17, 2020 | Agency, Employment & Training
Fresno EOC Employment and Training Interns have been reaching out to their local communities and reminding friends, family members, and neighbors to fill out their census. Interns have been distributing census flyers, posters, promotional items, writing articles,...
Jun 2, 2020 | Employment & Training, Workforce Connection Young Adult Program
Fresno EOC Employment and Training Services continues to serve and provide paid internships to youth throughout time that Fresno County grapples with the COVID-19 global pandemic. This summer, opportunities have expanded to offer youth internships county-wide. These...
May 18, 2020 | Employment & Training, Local Conservation Corps, Recycling
Fresno EOC Local Conservation Corps’ Recycling Program continues to offer services to clients through its Friant Buy-Back center and allows young adults to get paid vocational training. During COVID-19, Corpsmembers can learn the ins and outs of recycling while giving...
Dec 16, 2019 | Employment & Training, Local Conservation Corps
Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed 25 bills aimed at setting a path to reform California’s criminal justice system. The bills signed by the Governor will provide more opportunities for parolees throughout California to reenter their community after they are...