Oct 17, 2022 | Energy Services, LIHEAP, Uncategorized
Bone-chilling weather lurks around the corner, which makes this a great time to raise awareness about our energy use. October is Energy Awareness Month, designated by the U.S. Department of Energy to spread the word about using energy wisely, both for the environment...
May 2, 2022 | Energy Services, LIHEAP
Fresno EOC is about to launch an emergency program to help families pay overdue water bills. The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is designated for households that are in danger of losing or have already lost their water services. But it’s...
Sep 3, 2021 | Energy Services, LIHEAP
Fresno EOC program helps Fresno residents lower their energy bills The scorching hot temperatures in the Central Valley have many of us uncomfortable and in some cases, unsafe! Fresno has seen long stretches of triple digit temperatures this summer. It can put people...
Jun 25, 2021 | Community Services, Foster Grandparent Program, LIHEAP
On June 10th, 2021, the Fresno EOC Foster Grandparent program, in coordination with Fresno EOC Food Services, conducted a food distribution specifically for our Foster Grandparent volunteers, held at the Fresno EOC Local Conservation Corps campus. The well-deserving...