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Forty Years of Dedication: WIC Team Member Celebrates Milestone

Forty Years of Dedication: WIC Team Member Celebrates Milestone

Diana Yepez, Lead WIC Nutrition Assistant, marks an incredible milestone this month, celebrating an astounding 40 years of service with Fresno EOC. Diana’s journey with the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program began in February 1984, when she joined as a...
Fresno EOC WIC is Celebrating National Breastfeeding Month

Fresno EOC WIC is Celebrating National Breastfeeding Month

Breastmilk provides a baby with ideal nutrition while supporting growth and development. However, some families can struggle to access breastfeeding resources and support due to lack of access to maternal healthcare and education. In addition, families living in...
WIC Welcomes Dads

WIC Welcomes Dads

The title WIC stands for Women, Infants & Children, but program officials want you to know, the nutrition program is not just for women. Fresno EOC WIC also serves dads, foster parents, grandparents, and guardians who are raising a child under age five.Edgar Perez...
Fresno EOC WIC Responds to Ongoing Baby Formula Shortage

Fresno EOC WIC Responds to Ongoing Baby Formula Shortage

Parents and caregivers may continue to feel panic across the country, after seeing store shelves cleared of baby formula for months. So, is the shortage having a big impact in the Fresno area? Click here to find out what Fresno EOC WIC is hearing from families and how...


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