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Breastmilk provides a baby with ideal nutrition while supporting growth and development. However, some families can struggle to access breastfeeding resources and support due to lack of access to maternal healthcare and education. In addition, families living in isolated communities may have less exposure to breastfeeding and less access to lactation support.  That’s why August is National Breastfeeding Month, a time to celebrate the benefits of breastfeeding while continuing the fight to ensure women have the support they need to breastfeed.


Fresno EOC WIC supports local families in meeting their feeding goals. They have more than 45 breastfeeding specialists at five locations who can provide support. They also have a breastfeeding phone line, breastfeeding peer counselors, and an electric pump loan program.


Supporting breastfeeding families is extremely important, especially during the recent infant formula crisis. Parents need evidence-based information and support to meet their feeding goals to ensure the health of their babies. Fresno EOC WIC can provide this support and is available to answer any questions you may have!


And as an employer, Fresno EOC WIC supports breastfeeding mothers, whether they are staff, interns, or students, with a time and private place to pump. Visit the California’s Lactation Accommodation Law website if for more information on workplace breastfeeding accommodations. If you would like to sign up for WIC please click here or call (559) 263-1150.


About Fresno EOC WIC

Fresno EOC WIC provides healthy food, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and family resources to more than 27,000 women, children, and families in Fresno County.

It’s easy to enroll in the program. If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can sign up for WIC by making an appointment and going to a local WIC office. You can also enroll online, via virtual meetings, or via telephone. To sign up by phone, call (559) 263-1150 or text 1-888-412-5922. Fresno EOC WIC’s Customer Care Center is available from 8:30am to 5:30pm Monday through Thursday, and Fridays from 8:30am to 4:30pm.


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