The School of Unlimited Learning(SOUL) in Downtown Fresno has completed a groundbreaking training session unique to most students in the San Joaquin Valley. Beginning on October 28th, 2014, 20 charter high school students came down the street to the technology hub, Bitwise Industries, three days a week to learn web development in HTML & CSS from a professional web developer during the Geekwise Boot Camp. Among the 28 technology companies in the building, they had an opportunity that at the time was offered to no other high school student in the central valley; they were learning to code for free, because their leaders saw the value in the training. Even further, they were successful at it. Nearly every student completed a portfolio website that was about themselves, including pictures taken during the course, and incorporating some more advanced concepts. The students also learned about branding, graphic design, and utilizing QR code technology to promote traffic to their sites. Real world skills were successfully communicated to students in this course, and with support many of these students are poised to continue learning tech skills that will lead to high-growth careers in the fastest growing industry on the planet.
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