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Fresno EOC WIC (Women, Infants & Children) is excited to welcome back families for limited on-site services. After 18 months of providing remote services as a health precaution due to the COVID-19 pandemic, WIC staff are transitioning back to the workplace.

Fresno EOC WIC Program Director Annette Thornton says, “We brought staff back to the office on October 1st. It’s a hybrid work schedule and only certain types of WIC appointments are available on site. That includes enrollments and re-certifications. The rest will continue to be done remotely.” To continue safety precautions, there are no walk-ins at this time.

New WIC office decor

WIC is launching a new way to help families access services. Online video chat appointments are now available at WIC offices statewide. Annette says they are very helpful for clients, “because transportation can be an issue for some to come into our WIC site. Also, we serve a young and vulnerable population, who cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19.” The video chats allow existing clients to speak with WIC staff and access services via a smartphone, a tablet, or computer.”

Fresno EOC WIC is also using a texting system, which means clients can submit documents at their convenience. “It’s nice to be able to communicate with the participants without having them call us. And now they can send their documents securely to us through text.”

WIC is a federally-funded health and nutrition program for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, post-partum and children under 5 years old. There are 65 employees at five Fresno EOC WIC locations across Fresno and Clovis. Last month, we served more than 24,500 clients, providing nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and supplemental foods.


Learn more about Fresno EOC WIC (Women, Infants & Children) on their webpage or call (559) 263-1150

Fresno EOC WIC Breastfeeding Helpline: (559) 263-1162

Farmers’ Market WIC Coupons


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